MB Preparation course : 150 USD

30 lessons(25 mins/ lesson *50 mins/lesson for Day 27-29)
⇒Be able to take same lesson more than 1 time

Test (1test / 15 〜 25 mins )

– Checkpoint test:At least 5 times
– Mid term: At least 1 time
– Final term: At least 1 time
⇒Be able to take tests until you pass

Period: 12 weeks
*50 USD/month after 12 weeks

Course contents

Day 1:  Alphabet/ Intro
Day 2:  Number and Currency
Day 3:  Days and Months
Day 4:  Times and Weather
Day 5:  Gender
1st Checkpoint test
Day 6:  Relation and Jobs
Day 7:  Vehicle, Animal and Drinks
Day 8:  Places
Day 9:  Things
Day 10:  Food and Fruits
2nd Checkpoint test

Day 11: Adjectives and Adverbs
Day 12: Verbs [1]
Day 13: Verbs ​[2]
Day 14: Particles
Day 15: Particles​ [2]
3rd Checkpoint test
Mid term

Day 16: Listening [Part 1 and 2] 
Day 17: Listening [Part 1 and 2]
Day 18: Listening [Part 3]
Day 19: Listening [Part 4 and 5]
4th Checkpoint test
Day 20: Reading [Part 1]
Day 21: Reading [Part 2]
Day 22: Reading [Part 3-1]
Day 23: Reading [Part 3-1]
Day 24: Reading [Part 4]
Day 25: Reading [Part 5]
Day 26: Reading [Part 6]
5th Checkpoint test
Day 27: Listening [All Part] * 50 mins lesson
Day 28: Listening [All Part] * 50 mins lesson
Day 29: Reading [All Part] * 50 mins lesson
Final exam
Day 30: Whole past question review 

Contents example